Saturday, December 26, 2015

Miscellaneous Photos with Friends/Everyday Life/Izakaya and Holiday Photo Dump

In the last installment of my series of recent blog post updates, I just wanna throw a bunch of photos that have been taken throughout the past couple of months that I haven't found a home for onto this post. Many of them are from trips to izakayas, hence the third part of the title. And many of them are just everyday life and hanging out photos. So here goes! Enjoy!
Front of the Takarazuka Theatre

Inside of the theatre

Real life cabbage guy from Avatar

Really delicious beef stew thingy

Last practice for the international students music festival!

Group picture for music festival

Last practice selfie

Friends who came to watch us

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our first pizza in forever



James and I at his host family's house


A rice, eel, and lotus root burger. Delicious!

Ice skating!

Cherish ruined the photo

Izakaya photo dump

Another izakaya photo

Chrimbus party at school

First time eating KFC in Japan

School festival

School festival, again



We braided our hair together

Bowling at Holly's birthday
Conveyer belt sushi is the best thing ever

Tuna for days

Plates for days

Bento box at school

Curry at school

Christian and a rare 2000 yen bill

Luminarie in Kobe

Us at the Luminarie in Kobe

Chrimbus at school!

Countdown to projection mapping at school

Bath bombs from my Secret Santa Wataru!

Joanne and a momoji tempura leaf

Watching the projection mapping at school
Twins, again

Eating tomato ramen courtesy of James' host family - I usually am meh about tomatoes, but it was good!

Cherish's birthday izakaya photo

Huge selfie from Cherish's birthday!
And that's all for now! Next time I post, it will probably be after my vacation and probably even after I return to America...sadly. I'm going back to America in less than a month. Actually, in about 3 weeks :( I'm gonna miss Japan a ton, especially all the people I've met here, but I definitely plan to return in the near future.

See you guys in 2016!

Universal Studios Japan/Life as a Hogwarts Student/Preparations for Vacation

So for the past few days, I've been on winter break. The first day of winter break, me and three other friends decided to go to Universal Studios Japan. 3 of us haven't been there before (me included), so we were super hyped to go.
First thing I would like to note is that it's SO easy to get there! By train, it only costs about 400 yen (around $3.50), and the train station exit exits right in front of the park. It has never been this easy and quick to go to a theme park, lol.
Second of all, tickets here are a lot cheaper than they are in America. In America, Universal Studios tickets are about $100. Here, they're about $60. I was expecting it to be a little cheaper because many things in Japan are cheaper than in America, but I didn't expect it to be THAT much cheaper. Holy crap, it was a huge difference.
Front of the park selfie!
Of course, the first place we all wanted to go to was Harry Potter World. It's the main attraction at USJ, and they don't have it at the Universal Studios in Hollywood (yet), so we ran there first.

Sirius Black

Hogwarts Castle!

Hagrid's motorcycle

Hagrid's house

Selfie in front of Hagrid's place
One thing I noticed about USJ is that all the wait timers are extreme overestimates. In the Universal Studios in America, usually the wait timers are somewhat accurate. However, here, for example, the Harry Potter ride that lets you go through Hogwarts said it was about a 3 and a half hour wait, and we ended up waiting for barely even an hour. Worth.
Also, all the employees are SUPER happy and cute. They all look like they are genuinely happy with their jobs.
My house flag!

The newest Ravenclaw prefects

Inside of the castle

The sorting hat!

In line for the ride

Inside of the castle

The Weasleys' car

The fat lady

Hog's Head

James and I trying on robes

I'm a real wizard!

Buttbeer is way too sweet, but I really wanted the mug

Learning how to fly for the first time

I've already been to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter before in Florida, but I love it so much so it was still just as great as the first time. I just wanted to buy everything, but of course, everything was extremely expensive. Sigh. I did buy a Ravenclaw scarf and a butterbeer mug, though. Maybe next time when I come back I'll buy a wand.
We chose a day with bad conditions, which means it was a good day to visit an amusement park. It was a rainy, cold Wednesday. No problem, the less people the better!
This Snoopy ride was way too cute

Trying on the big fluffy hats at USJ


Jurassic World!

The characters here are too cute!


Soaked after going on the Jurassic World ride in the first row. Plus, it was raining

The giant Chrimbus tree

Even the shark from Jaws was feeling festive

Because there weren't many people there, we got to ride pretty much every major ride. We didn't get to see shows or ride some of the smaller rides, but we were okay with that. Pretty much everything at USJ was the same as the Universal Studios in America, but the characters they have here are cuter. For example, Hello Kitty, Snoopy, and Elmo.
At night, we watched a projection mapping show for Christmas. It was a bit disappointing, but I guess since it was raining hard outside, they had to cut it short. I wonder what the actual show would've been like, though.
Pretty photos regardless

And with the Chrimbus tree
Last selfie before heading out
We were all super tired by the time the park was closing, so we did some last minute souvenir shopping and headed home. Overall, it was a really successful day at USJ!

Now, a couple days later, I'm preparing for my winter break trip to Tokyo and Taiwan! Tomorrow, I'm gonna be flying to Tokyo, staying there for a few days, and flying to Taipei. Also, Monday, Austin and Sergio are gonna be flying to Tokyo to meet up with Christian and I. Then, the whole squad is gonna meet up in Tokyo and go to Disney Sea together. I'm super excited!
Of course, tons and tons of photos will be taken during the trip, and I hope I remember to update my blog with new photos soon. If not, they will be up...eventually.