Saturday, December 26, 2015

Miscellaneous Photos with Friends/Everyday Life/Izakaya and Holiday Photo Dump

In the last installment of my series of recent blog post updates, I just wanna throw a bunch of photos that have been taken throughout the past couple of months that I haven't found a home for onto this post. Many of them are from trips to izakayas, hence the third part of the title. And many of them are just everyday life and hanging out photos. So here goes! Enjoy!
Front of the Takarazuka Theatre

Inside of the theatre

Real life cabbage guy from Avatar

Really delicious beef stew thingy

Last practice for the international students music festival!

Group picture for music festival

Last practice selfie

Friends who came to watch us

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our first pizza in forever



James and I at his host family's house


A rice, eel, and lotus root burger. Delicious!

Ice skating!

Cherish ruined the photo

Izakaya photo dump

Another izakaya photo

Chrimbus party at school

First time eating KFC in Japan

School festival

School festival, again



We braided our hair together

Bowling at Holly's birthday
Conveyer belt sushi is the best thing ever

Tuna for days

Plates for days

Bento box at school

Curry at school

Christian and a rare 2000 yen bill

Luminarie in Kobe

Us at the Luminarie in Kobe

Chrimbus at school!

Countdown to projection mapping at school

Bath bombs from my Secret Santa Wataru!

Joanne and a momoji tempura leaf

Watching the projection mapping at school
Twins, again

Eating tomato ramen courtesy of James' host family - I usually am meh about tomatoes, but it was good!

Cherish's birthday izakaya photo

Huge selfie from Cherish's birthday!
And that's all for now! Next time I post, it will probably be after my vacation and probably even after I return to America...sadly. I'm going back to America in less than a month. Actually, in about 3 weeks :( I'm gonna miss Japan a ton, especially all the people I've met here, but I definitely plan to return in the near future.

See you guys in 2016!

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