Sunday, November 15, 2015


I would like to start off this post by saying: I love the nature and scenery in Japan!!!

Having been in Las Vegas for so long, I almost forgot that the rest of the world is not all dry, rocky desert grounds. Trees, flowers, grass, and plants are actually things in other parts of the world.
That being said, one weekend, I went on a school field trip to a camping grounds that our school has on a mountain in Kobe. This post will mostly be a picture spam of the mountain and camping grounds.

It was super beautiful!

On the way back
At the camp, we cooked a big pot of curry together over a fire made by wood that we gathered from the forest. It felt very outdoorsy and was a great bonding experience.
Curry WIP

Finished product!
The finished product actually looked great and tasted great as well, to my surprise (lol). Even though some of us have cooked curry before, none of us are skilled at all with cooking it over an open we all kind of just winged it. But it turned out good.

We also made little wreaths from various things collected from the forest (acorns, pine cones, fallen leaves, branches, flowers, etc.) My wreath was mediocre, so I never actually took a picture of it. Instead, I took pictures of 2 other ones that I really liked.

Someone made a spider web and put a real spider on there. Although I'm not a fan of any insect or insect-like creature, the spider was actually really pretty!

Acorn crown
Anyway, there is not much else I wanted to talk about with this experience, it was just a collection of photos. However, after visiting this, I decided I wanted to explore more of Japan's nature, which leads into my next post...stay tuned!

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